Our Business Services

Culture Creation Canvas prides itself on being a dynamic 21st century company, owned and run by experts to provide those who need it, a source of online advisory, and help set up, maintain and service the digital components of businesses across the globe.

Web Design
With a healthy team of over 20 web designers, coders and editors, at Culture Creation Canvas, we are able to design your website to its greatest potential, according to your budget.

Digital Marketing
No business can run without customers, and to get customers, customers must learn of your business. At Culture Creation Canvas, we take the hassle out, and set up marketing campaigns and optimise your website, on your behalf to make sure your website and company are getting lots of traffic.

SEO Auditing and Optimisation
SEO Audits
When beginning a new SEO project, the first step is always to undertake a complete audit of the website in question. In-depth audits can help identify problems with your website, all the way down to the tiniest details which will affect your search engine rankings.
Small things like missing meta titles or poorly formatted HTML can cause your pages to drop sharply in search engine ranks. A SEO audit will identify and prioritise these, allowing us to work through them systematically and fix them.

SEO Optimisation
Once an audit has been completed, the next step is tweaking your existing content to make sure that it is fully optimised. Any written content, including blog articles, should be created with a specific focus in mind.
One of the main steps when it comes to performing SEO on an older website is improving existing content. Every existing page will be allocated relevant keywords, and these are then worked into the story that the page has to tell.

Business Advisory
We have a team of 18 specialists in the area of business advisory. We will select one or a few to work with you as a team, to help you make the best business decisions you can make.

Online Consultancy
Have a consultant on your side who knows the way social media works. Let us help you with your brand recognition and social presence, while keeping everything current and interesting for you.

Social Media
At Culture Creation Canvas, we know all the Cute, sneaky tricks for social media marketing. We always like to point out that too many online marketers think about the technology first and the people never. Some people agonize over their keyword count, and then forget to even tweet the post – if they even have a Twitter account.

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