Business Activity Statement

5 Reasons Why Should You Let An Accountant Do Your BAS For You

When it comes to record keeping and tax returns, Business Activity Statements (BAS) are without a doubt one of the most hated things for small businesses in Australia. Although a lot of people choose to do their BAS on their own, you should consider using experienced accountants do yours for you.

According to Accountants Perth, record keeping and tax obligations can be confusing to the best of us. If you don’t have a tax background, then it can be very easy to make mistakes on your BAS. An experienced accountant will know the system inside out, and should be able to fill out all of the relevant information without any problems. Our top 5 reasons why you should always use an accountant for your BAS include:

  • It will save you time:

If you own or manage a small business, then you will know that time is money – really! Every hour you waste doing one thing is an hour that you could be spending doing something else, and these hours can add up when it comes to doing things like BAS. Often, you simply need to prioritise and do the things that are going to be the most beneficial for your business. Rather than spending hours completing your BAS every quarter (or even every month for some!), pay an accountant to do it.