
How Can Branding Impact My Marketing Efforts?

Branding is something that lawyers including family lawyers often ignore when they build their first website and start to create an online presence for themselves. However, as we will see below, branding is absolutely essential for law firm marketing.

As a law firm, you want to make your name memorable so that people call on you when they need “Family Lawyers Perth“, right? The best way to do this is through high-quality branding. Building a strong, clear brand is an essential part of your online law firm marketing efforts, and it can be the difference between success and failure.

What Is Branding?

Traditionally, branding involved creating a decent logo, a catchy name, and a slogan or some other catch-phrase which distinguished you from your competitors. However, branding in the modern world of the internet is a little more complex.

Today, branding involves a consumers perception of you and your business (of you and your law firm in this case). What do they think of when they hear or see your brand name or logo? How does it impact them, and how does it make you stand out above your competitors? Branding is extremely difficult, which is why a lot of law firms consult with branding experts to try and improve their business success.

Why Does My Firm Need To Be ‘Branded’?

As a law firm, you are working in a very competitive environment. There are many other family lawyers out there who would be more than happy to take your clients and potential clients if they are given half the chance, so you have to do whatever you can to put yourself ahead of the pack.

Branding does just this. If your law firm is branded well, it will encourage your target market to select you over your competition. It will help build the image of you being the best at what you do, and will help portray you and your firm as the solution to everyone’s problems.

Let’s look at this in an online marketing sense. You have put a lot of time and money into making sure that you rank highly on the search engine results pages. A lot of people are clicking through to your website, but most of them are leaving without performing any actions (your bounce rate is high). Now, this could be because your website is poorly designed, but it could also be because your branding is weak and doesn’t instill confidence in potential clients.

What Do I Need To Think About When It Comes To Branding?

As noted above, branding is an extremely difficult thing to master. In the modern world, your branding has to be perfect, and it has to make you stand out above your competitors. Make sure that your branding is consistent across all platforms – including social media, your website, email campaigns, and offline marketing – and make sure that you offer a true representation of what your firm is and what you do.

Employ a branding consultant if you need to, spend plenty of time building a strong, effective brand before you launch your company (rebranding is difficult and time consuming), and make sure that you take the points we touched on into account. Good luck!

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