SEO Optimized Content

How to Write Modern, SEO Optimized Content

Although Google’s search engine algorithms are constantly changing, there’s one constant in the world of SEO – high quality content. Creating engaging content that people actually want to read is one of the best things to do if you’re trying to build a successful website that ranks well on the search engine results pages.

With this in mind, I decided to put together a short guide outlining the best ways to write modern, SEO optimised content. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it should help you get started.

  1. Make Sure You Do Keyword Research

A lot of people ignore this step, especially when they’re just starting their website. However, this is a bad idea. Ignoring keyword research will mean that you’re missing a lot of opportunities, especially if you’re working in a competitive niche.

Ultimately, you need to make sure that you’re using a reputable keyword research tool to identify low-competition keywords and phrases that you can incorporate in your content. Aim for phrases that have a decent search volume, but low competition – these will be the easiest to rank for.

  1. Focus On The User Experience

Nowadays, Google’s algorithms are smart enough to rank content based on its quality and the value that it brings to readers. Stuffing keywords isn’t enough to rank well anymore, and it’s therefore important to make sure that you focus on quality over quantity.

Once you’ve identified your keywords and phrases, sit down and think about the things that people are going to be trying to find out when they use these search terms. Then, when you’re writing, try and answer these questions in a clear, concise manner which is easy to read and engaging.

  1. Keep You Writing Style Simple

People get bored easy. If you write complicated content with a lot of big words, they aren’t going to read it – it’s as simple as that. It’s therefore important to make sure that you’re using a clear, engaging writing style that draws people in.

I’d recommend using short paragraphs, lots of subheadings, and as many images and infographics as possible.

  1. Edit, Edit, And Edit Some More

There’s nothing quite like spelling mistakes and sentences that don’t really make sense to drive people away from your website. If you’re serious about creating the best content possible, you need to spend as much time proofreading and editing as you do writing.

I’d even recommend asking people to proofread every piece of work for you. Go through it yourself, and then pass it on to a family member, friend, or someone else who you can trust. It might seem like a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the long run – trust me.

Final Word

If you want to succeed in the competitive modern world, you need to make sure that you’re creating high-quality, engaging content that’s both SEO friendly and readable. Above all, there’s one thing that you need to remember:

“Quality is always better than quantity.”

Well, now you should know enough to get out there and start writing. Good luck!

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