Drive New Traffic

5 Great Ways To Drive New Traffic To Your Website

If you had to choose one key indicator of website success, it would be the number of visitors that the website has. There are literally millions of WordPress websites and blogs out there, but a lot of them receive few to no visitors, and can therefore be considered useless.

If you would like to get your content out there, drive sales income up, and increase the amount of money you make from advertising, then you simply have to get more people to visit and engage with your website. There are plenty of ways to do this, but some of the most common include:

  1. Target long-tailed keywords with low competition:

Unless you have a lot of money (think thousands of dollars) to spend on advertising, there is little point targeting short, popular keywords. Most of these will be dominated by larger websites, and it is extremely difficult to rank for them. This means that you will get very little traffic from them, even if you focus on them.

However, longer tailed keywords generally don’t have as much competition, which means that it is much easier to rank highly for them. Try and target keywords with little competition, but make sure that they are still relevant to you page and content, otherwise you will probably have a pretty high bounce rate.

  1. Use online directories:

If you have some sort of business website, then make use of an Online Business Directory and listing site. These sort of sites generally list a whole lot of businesses, and let people review and comment on them. If you can get yourself listed on one, and get people to leave good reviews for you, you will find that a lot more people start visiting your site.

Business Agreements

Interested in Getting the Best out of Business Transactions?

Trained Lawyers can help you Negotiate Advantageous Terms

The reputation of a business is often defined by the sum of the transactions that take place in its name. There can be different transactions including purchase of raw materials, sale of services or finished goods, hiring of services among others and all these involve exchange of money. By seeking the guidance of experienced commercial lawyers, you can maximise your ability to negotiate and enjoy advantageous terms on transactions within the framework of Australian law. As a business owner or partner, you must be vigilant about every dollar that you spend and ensure that you get your hard-earned money’s worth. Every business transaction that you conduct must be accompanied by a legal contract. All parties involved in the transaction must agree to and sign the contract for the transaction to be legitimate.

AdWords Campaign

The Pros and Cons Of Using Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a tried and trusted method of bringing traffic to your website, and there are many companies who get such great results, that they are happy to spend millions per year and up to $100 dollars per click. To be honest, these figures relate to some of the biggest companies online, so the question to be asked is: ‘Can Google AdWords work for smaller businesses with limited budgets?’

The simple answer is yes, but as with any business decision you make, there are pros and cons to weight up before you decide to go ahead so let’s look at some of the main ones.


#1 It Requires A Lot Of Testing

Running a Google AdWords campaign is not a simple case of getting out your credit card and paying for ads. You need to do a lot of research before you start, and then when you are up and running carry out more testing and analysis. In fact, it never ends. If you enjoy looking at data and trying to improve results then you’ll love the process. If not, then you’ll either have to come out of your comfort zone, or employ someone who does enjoy number crunching.

Financial Planner

Why A Financial Planner Is Essential If You Want Your Business To Be Successful

Effective financial planning is essential for all businesses, whether they are a one-man operation or a large corporation. Larger companies have the resources to employ in-house experts, but if you are a smaller business or a start-up then this is not normally feasible. The alternative is to employ the services of an independent financial planner who can assist you as and when required for a fee and/or a commission.

The reason financial planning is so important to your business is it allows you to know what its objectives are, the direction it is heading and what goals it has. In addition, financial planning ensures that the pursuit of these objectives and goals are not compromised due to issues arising from a lack of funds, affordability of resources nor insufficient money to implement marketing and advertising.

A financial planner can assist you as a business owner to set plans for the next few month, the year ahead and further into the future. Bear in mind they will have worked with, and created financial plans for many other businesses of a similar size to yours. The benefit to you is they will have data on how successful those businesses have been and can use these previous plans to create the most effective plan for your business.

Marketing Campaign

3 Benefits Of Using Google AdWords

If your budget allows then an option for you to increase traffic to your website is paid advertising and one of the most popular is Google AdWords. Not only is it very popular, it is one of oldest forms of internet marketing, having been launched in the year 2000.

There are lots of reasons why you might want to use Google AdWords, but here are three of most beneficial reasons.

#1 Boost Your Traffic Quickly

The biggest benefit of using Google AdWords is the speed with which it can start generating traffic, and therefore visitors to your website. It can do this for several keywords within the same campaign so you have the advantage of visitors who have searched for those keywords which your website wishes to target.

Whilst SEO has great merits and is an essential part of any marketing plan, it simply cannot compete in terms of how quickly it can produce results in comparison to Google AdWords. The other advantage in terms of speed is that Google AdWords you will let you see much quicker what keywords are the most effective.

Web Hosting

Paid Versus Free Web Hosting

If you have done any research into choosing a web hosting company you should know by now that there are literally hundreds of companies to choose from. As you narrow down your choices one of the first things to decide on is whether to go for paid or free hosting. There are pros and cons to each of these so let’s look at the differences.

Domain Name

With paid hosting you should be able to use a unique domain name which is desirable if you plan to build a brand around your business. Some paid hosting plans even give you a free domain name of your choice. With free hosting, it is likely that you will only be able to choose a sub-domain so instead of having a domain name like it will be like this:

Storage Space

Unless you plan to have lots of multimedia on your site, bandwidth won’t really be a concern and a free hosting account will give you enough storage to host your website files. If on the other hand, your site will have videos and audios then you are going to need a decent amount of space to store them all, which will only be available via a paid hosting plan.

Digital Marketing

The 5 Pillars Of Digital Marketing

In the relatively short time that the internet as we know it has been around, the expansion of services and tools has increased exponentially. This applies as much to the field of digital marketing as it does to any sector but no matter how many new services appear there remains 5 core reasons why engaging a digital agency to undertake digital marketing has many advantages for online businesses.

#1: Audience

The number of potential customers that can be reached using digital marketing, locally or globally, is massive. Before the internet, in order to get your message out, you either had to invest in a mass mailing campaign or undertake media advertising. The costs of these are huge, and the work required to physically create the marketing material was immense. The internet means a digital marketing campaign can reach across the globe, or merely down the street depending on who you wish to market to, and the logistics of setting either up are very straightforward.

Brand Trustworthy

Keeping Your Brand Trustworthy

There are countless examples of companies who have spent a lot of time, money, and effort to make their branding the best it can be, only for it to collapse in an instant due to losing the trust of consumers.  Without trust, they have no customers, and without customers, there is no business.

The first area you can ensure your brand is seen as trustworthy comes not from your marketing or advertising but in your day-to-day dealings with your customers. It beggars belief that a company will spend a fortune on developing and marketing a product, but then scrimp on its customer service. Nothing kills the trust in your business and its brand quicker than not looking after customers once they have bought your product or service.

Click Fraud

What To Do If You Are A Victim Of Adwords Click Fraud

If you are using Google Adwords or other pay per click services as part of your marketing strategy hopefully you will never experience click fraud. If you are not sure what click fraud is, or what to do if you are a victim of it, then you need to read on.

As you know Adwords is run on the principle that you pay based on each occasion someone clicks on your ad or when your ad has been displayed a certain number of times. (normally 1000 views)

Click fraud occurs when those clicks or views are generated artificially either by an individual, a group of individuals or software called clickbots. If click fraud is being used on your AdWords ads, your costs can increase dramatically, your ad performance is greatly compromised and at the end of it all you won’t have had a single new customer or sale.

The people who perpetrate click fraud do it mostly for financial gain. Those who have sites in the content network scheme want to artificially inflate the number of clicks or views that appear to be coming from their site. By increasing them, they increase the revenue they receive from Google, which means both you and Google are victims of click fraud.

Another group click fraud could be perpetrated by is your competitors, especially when the primary keywords become part of a bidding war. By increasing your costs, they are hoping you will either lower your bids on a keyword or stop bidding altogether.

Web Design Agreements

The Importance Of Web Design Agreements

Having a professional web designer taking care of your eCommerce web design can release you from the pressure of having to do it all yourself. , however, you need to ensure that the stress doesn’t manifest itself in a different way. What we mean is ensuring that the agreement you have with your web designer is more than just a handshake, because if it isn’t then you are potentially inviting all sorts of problems if anything goes wrong.

To ensure this doesn’t happen a simple written contract which both you and your designer agree to, means both of you know exactly what is required on both sides. There should be five basic sections included and here is an explanation of each one.

#1 Cost and Payment Method: Make sure both parties know what the agreed cost of the work is and what, if any, part payment agreement there is. You’ll also want to agree whether the amount is an hourly rate or a fixed price and the method of payment.

#2 Work Agreed To: This might seem strange but you do actually need to agree what services you are employing your designer for. For a website, this should be detailed and include the agreed process for edits and reworking of the design if it is not satisfactory. It is essential this part makes it clear that the designer is expected to make any changes you want to make as part of the work.